They. Were. SOOO. EXCITED! It's hard to say who was more excited with the anticipation - the big boys or Daddy and I. ;-) We had told the boys that they would be receiving a gift, via delivery, before we left for their birthday trip. The suspense was such fun. . . well, for everyone except Daddy - he doesn't like to wait! I had the piano movers call me when they pulled into our addition and then I had the boys go sit on the couch in their playroom. They waited so patiently and it was wonderfully sweet to hear the excitement in their voices as they talked amongst themselves about what it could possibly be (a new 4-wheeler, maybe another puppy from Daddy, a HUGE remote control helicopter). . . oh my goodness, I could hardly keep from falling over on the floor with laughter just listening to them! lol The movers were awesome - they had it covered/wrapped and left it that way for the surprise. . . I had all 4 of them close their eyes and then the movers slid it into the designated place. . . and then aoilo - the screaming began! ;-) You can see in the 2nd shot when they opened their eyes - it was truly priceless! Yep, I think Daddy & I did good on this one! :-)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Early Bday Present Gets Delivered
They. Were. SOOO. EXCITED! It's hard to say who was more excited with the anticipation - the big boys or Daddy and I. ;-) We had told the boys that they would be receiving a gift, via delivery, before we left for their birthday trip. The suspense was such fun. . . well, for everyone except Daddy - he doesn't like to wait! I had the piano movers call me when they pulled into our addition and then I had the boys go sit on the couch in their playroom. They waited so patiently and it was wonderfully sweet to hear the excitement in their voices as they talked amongst themselves about what it could possibly be (a new 4-wheeler, maybe another puppy from Daddy, a HUGE remote control helicopter). . . oh my goodness, I could hardly keep from falling over on the floor with laughter just listening to them! lol The movers were awesome - they had it covered/wrapped and left it that way for the surprise. . . I had all 4 of them close their eyes and then the movers slid it into the designated place. . . and then aoilo - the screaming began! ;-) You can see in the 2nd shot when they opened their eyes - it was truly priceless! Yep, I think Daddy & I did good on this one! :-)
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