Strawberry Shortcake - it's her fave right now!
She got this super-cool bath and her and little man put it to good use - they had such a blast! ;-)
Obviously, he thoroughly enjoyed the cake! lol
She's incredibly beautiful AND ya just gotta love her 'faces'. . . she gets those from her Mama! ;-D lol
My baby girl (my niece) is 4yrs old - WOW, that went fast! It seems like yesterday I was with my sis in the delivery room awaiting to see her beautiful new bundle of joy! We travelled a few hours to be with family and celebrate her birthday. . . such a wonderful day! Daddy's parents and their respective spouses joined us in the celebration so it was fabulous to be able to see everyone and fellowship together. We all had a super-duper great day. We are so blessed that our parents all get along so well and are so inviting - it blesses us in ways that I just can't explain. . . soooo awesome to get to see you all!