Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This is our newest find this fall (Letterboxing) and we are still going strong with enjoyment and challenges! Quite honestly. . . we LOVE Letterboxing. It combines several of our VERY favorite things to do. . . hike and seek! ;-D Seriously though, we love to hike, it's part of our regular routine, and we love to still engage in anything that is treasure hunting'esque (don't bother looking it up, I just made it up!). If you want to learn more about Letterboxing and/or find some boxes to go hunting for in your area, go to www.letterboxing.org. There are like 593 boxes in our state - incredible! Sometimes we decide to go hunt a certain area so we just log online and print off the directions or sometimes if we have a field trip we check to see what's in that area that we can hunt for while we're there - SUCH fabulous fun and so adventurous! Daddy and the boys are working on creating our own family stamp to use for logging when we find a box and for our personal logbook - I'll be sure to post a pic of it when it's all done. Some of you may be familiar with geo-caching and that is pretty much the same thing just with a GPS system, rather than a compass. Since we hike on a regular basis we really wanted the boys to be able to fully understand and utilize their compasses, plus they were a gift from their Grandma & Grandpa L for their birthdays, so we're putting them to good use! Boy are we racking up the miles on those babies! ;-D Anyways, check out the link and plan your own family adventures.

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